Welcome Message from President of TACT 2019
Since TACT was established in December 1998, we are happy to celebrate her 20th birthday this year. This association has organized six international conferences so far, including Asia CVD 2005, TACT 2009, TACT 2011, TACT 2013, TACT 2015, and TACT 2017. TACT 2019 will be the seventh one, which will be held from November 17 to 20, 2019 at National Taipei University of Technology in Taipei, Taiwan.
TACT 2019 is an important biennial event for knowledge exchange and interactive platform for researchers and engineers from academia and industry. TACT 2019 will cover a wide spectrum of aspects related to thin film, coating and plasma technologies for sustainable energy, semiconductor, optoelectronic, flexible device, tribological, organic, biological, protective and functional coatings.
Selected papers will be published in the special issues of "Thin Solid Films" and "Surface and Coatings Technology“

It is expected that there will be more than 700 abstract submissions including invited and contributed oral papers as well as poster presentations from domestic and abroad.
The TACT 2019 features seven important symposia and one short course, namely:
A. Coatings for sustainable energy
B. Nanostructured and nanocomposite coatings
C. Semiconductor, optoelectronic and flexible device films
D. Tribological and protective coatings
E. Organic and biological coatings
F. Metallic and high-entropy alloy coatings
G. Topical symposium: theory, simulation, and modeling; quantitative surface analysis
A group of internationally well-known scholars will be invited to deliver plenary, keynote and invited speeches in TACT 2019.
It is our pleasure to announce the TACT 2019 International Thin Films Conference. We cordially invite you to attend TACT2019. Taipei is the capital of Taiwan and full of beautiful views, nice food and cultural merits. Hope to see you in November, 2019.